We're in Amercia, Kit. Part of the kit-n-caboodle of the great national ideology of capitalism is built on the fact that people waste.
I'll tell you when you learn to live frugal, when you have no choice but to. ...like me...
Trust me, everything I have that I don't need, I usually do for sanity's sake, and I save up for months before getting it.
No, I don't need a PS2, but if I didn't have Soul Reaver 2, I'd have tried reaving someone IRL by now...
I prefer having a different outlet that won't land me in jail, playing house to some burly chick named Bertha.
Comments: 1 sigh
Well, that wasn't directed at anyone in particular, and least of all you. If anyone were to tell you that you needed to budget, they'd deserve to be beaten with a checkbook. Or an Economics textbook.
( 9:01 p.m. )