Raine: You may want to look over your stylesheet carefully. Personally, I found it easier to just import the stylesheet and keep it on a separate page, so you don't have to keep checking the html file itself. And import versus direct link, which allows greater flexibility, but tends to cut out browsers below 5.0.
Also, you might want to use # instead of . when naming you classes, which would become IDs instead. Only reason I say that is it's easier to say "P ID=" instead of "P CLASS=" I'm all for less typing.
Anyway, I looked it over and notice you didn't declare a margin in your P.indent. When using the shorthand method, I've seen them use all four sides, i.e. margin: 5px 5px 5px 5px. When listing individual margins, they go to longhand. margin-top: 5px; margin-left: 5px; et cetera.
I don't know if that's what's causing your scrollbar or no. However, I'm not a professional. You may want to visit this place to get a better feel of different css styles you can use. It helped me eliminate the table a lot. http://www.glish.com/css/. I'm sure I can find some other css sites if you're interested.
That being said, I shall shut up my geek speak for today. ::boos xhtml::
Comments: 1 sigh
I could kiss you. Really.
( 10:43 p.m. )