Someone explain to me how what I see in the mirror isn't what everyone else sees. Because what I see is a Black female. I don't comform to the standards offered by Black people in my area, but neither do I actively seek to be "something different". I am Black, I am female, and (more importantly) I am human.
Apparently, however, that's not what the rest of these yahoos are seeing.
Okay, show of hands. How many of you personally know Black Catholics?'s not going to be a high number, trust me. I mean, come on, the churched sanctioned slavery back in the day... You'll find more Black Republicans, I'd imagine.
So when you see a Black person, you don't necessarily think they're Catholic, least not where I'm from.
So, yesterday... why did at least 1-2 people ask me if I was Catholic? Then go on to say they didn't think so since I wasn't wearing ash?
This question made no sense to me at the time. Frankly, it still doesn't. So, the only logical explanation I can even bother to give is that they didn't think I was Black.
But... why not? When I look in the mirror, I see a Black person. My family sees me this way as well.
So, what exactly am I missing here?
Don't worry, I'm not having an identity crisis. If push come to shove, I always know I'm human, first and foremost. That's more important to me.
Still, it's very puzzling to me.
...what are these other people seeing?
Comments: 1 sigh
Those people are obviously on crack. Or maybe they have nothing better to do. Like those kids who used to randomly ask if I was Chinese or Japanese.
And the thing is, I know the world in general is fucked up. It's kinda obvious. That doesn't mean it doesn't still piss me off. ^^
Blournal. I kinda like that. Blournal. Heeeh heh heh heh.
@Raine: Your 5th grade teacher was not only an idiot, s/he was also shortsighted and cruel.
( 2:42 p.m. )