First off, before I begin my usual "what sucks today" rant, couple of comments.
Amber: I'm on a kind of societal retreat, which included backing off the net, a lot. I just closed Rara completely and I'm looking for a new caretaker for The Sanctuary right now. I'll probably resurrect Rara in some other form later, but right now, I felt I had to lessen contact before I did something someone else would regret (because I have no conscience and regret nothing). But I'm still around in some form or another. Maybe I'll get back on AIM like I used to one of these days.
Kit: Yes, you are an elitist snob when it comes to the sub/dub issue, but it's okay since you're able to freely admit this. I'll freely admit to my own faults... when I can find enough paper to list them all on.
Now then, I realize I didn't post yesterday... and I don't feel bad about it. If I make myself post when I don't want to or when I don't have to, then it makes this into a chore. When it becomes that, I'll stop again.
Fact is I was halfway busy, halfway vegetating. M'brother made some more songs and wanted me to burn them all onto one CD, which I did. Also stuck them up on a site in case anyone else was interested. There's two versions to the site because the first is incredibly browser specific. is the spiffy but demanding page, while is a plain page with just the song titles as links. The links go directly to an mp3 file, so if you don't want it to play auto, you'll have to right click or whatever you'd do on your browser and save target... get the idea.
Another thing I did was add a little mod to this place, so now the comment form will remember the info so you don't have to fill it out every time (unless you get rid of your cookies). Next up on stupid site tricks, have the background color of the commetns alternate. I don't know why, since there's not that many comments, but just something to do.
I have things I should be doing, but it's hard to focus during ragtime. Yes, unfortunately, I'm still on it. You'd think someone would have found a cure. And don't give me that "it's natural" crap. Humans have already proven they can and will circumvent nature to their own detriment anyway, so why not?
Right now I'm listening to Gravi music and a part of me wants to write, but I'm going to save it for later. I'm afraid if I wrote now it'd be depressing and I don't want to write angst... without a happy ending.
Emotionally I feel fine, more or less. I'm supposed to go to an appt but our shower's broken and I refue to leave this apartment without one. Sponge baths might have worked back in the day, but it's not enough for me, thankyouverymuch. That's just so I can stand leaving my room and walking around my family.
Now I know, a working shower is a necessity in my life. Trust me, not everyone feels that way. Scary thought.