What... can I say, really?
No magical word is going to make this not exist. There's no grand rewind button, and certainly no cut or delete. There's nothing to be done that will make it go away as easily as an unpleasantry online or in a movie.
Nothing at all.
Sure, I'll admit, I wish I could make someone hurt for this. Granted, I don't have anyone in NYC or Washington that I'm especially close to, but it doesn't lessen the impact of what's happen at all. It may be I do know someone (ML, online, something). All I can do is hope they're okay.
Yes, I want to hurt someone, very badly... and slowly... and painfully...
and messy.
But then what? The cycle starts because if I did find the persons responsible and managed to hurt them, I'm hurting someone's child/brother/sister/parent/etc. No, this doesn't excuse them for what they did, but this is how it will start, because then in hurting them, someone will (irrationally) want to hurt me. They might succeed. In turn they may becaome victims to answer for hurting me...
and so on and so forth.
I don't want to fall in the cycle. I don't want to see others fall into it. But I know it's probably going to happen. I'm just worried about more innocents getting caught in the middle like they were today.
Damnit, aim for BUSH! The civilians didn't have anything to do with it, HE'S THE IDIOT!
Anybody know where the shmuck is, anyway?
And I can't donate blood because of the pills.
And I thought I hated them before.
Yet, life's going on in this part of the world. I suppose some would be shocked/appalled at the seemingly lack of concern. Businesses are still open. Trains and buses are still running.
But... I understand.
There's nothing to be done. We keep those people who have survived, (as well as mourn for those who didn't), in our hearts, but is letting our lives stop going to help them at all?
We help where we can, when we can. Perhaps part of that help is to just keep going.
How's it go?
God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
courage to change the things I can
and wisdom to know the difference.
I wish, oh I wish I could change what happened. I wish there was some giant reset button and it never happened.
But I'm only god in my imagination. In Reality, I'm only me. Nothing wrong with that, but I have to accept my limitations.
I could, I suppose, pray for vengence. But I'm not. I may not even be around to see the one's responsible get theirs. I do believe it will happen, though. Nobody gets away with that, and I'm not just takling about the laws placed by society. An act like this will come back.
Is it fate this happened? Were those people suppose to die? I don't know, I don't have a direct line to cosmic entities to ask.
In the end, all I can do is hope.
Hope for what?
...just hope.