Insert random original character moment, that may turn into random ongoing storyline. You've been warned.
And the cutest.
Never had any sprite child of Selvanus so closely reflected their season of birth. Skin so pale it was nearly white, a head of curly hair even lighter than his tone. And his eyes...
Blue...deep, icy, unbroken blue. No pupil, no whites, but a vast expanse that seem to go beyond his eyes... perhaps even his soul.
"Do you see, dearest? He truly is a child of his season."
"Yes, he is. The others should see him now. Please, call them in."
A tree in a forest, taller than perhaps any ever known by humans, shook it's branches. To mortal ears, the ony sound made is the rustling of leaves. But no mortal has lived in the forest for many a century, and the enchanted creatures dwelling there heard the clear boom of the forest god.
"Ariadne! Kesa! Galen! Come see! Your brother has finally joined us! Come see!"
Three children ranging from twelve to four ran towards the tree. Soon they were climbing up, the two girls turning it into a race as they jumped and scrambled to each branch, lifting themselves higher and higher. The only boy took a slower pace, his thoughts of the latest addition to their family. Finally, all three tumble inside a door halfway up, the boy helping his sisters to their feet as he's the last one in.
"Thanks, Galen."
"Why didn't you race with us?"
"Because someone has to get you to your feet when you get here." Though the youngest, Galen was the most thoughtful, well advanced for his four years, and it showed. "Now, let's go meet our brother."
"Right! This way!" The eldest, Ariadne, took lead. Galen and Kesa shook they head. Far be it from them to try and tell the spring-born child not to be so bossy. It was simply who she was, as were both of them.
The children walked through their home, carved directly into the large tree. It didn't take long before they filed into their parents room. Their father stood beaming, his hair as white as the infant just born due to the season. Next season it would change to a pale green and pink color to reflect the time. Their mother rested on the bed, her dark hair flowing over her shoulders with the eternal tinge of green. In her arms was the new addition, delicate for his size and winter coloring.
"Is that...?"
"He's so cute!"
Galen let his sisters gush. He had other ideas in mind anyway. The small baby was adorable, but more than that, Galen had seen glimpses of his life even before the child was born. This one was special, he just didn't know why... yet.
The young boy shook his head, then went and crawled on the bed next to their mother. "Does he have a name, yet?"
"Not yet." Selvanus leaned down to tickle his son, the infant giggling softly. "We were still thinking of one."
"Let us name him!" Ariadne practically bounced. "How about... snowflake!"
"Booo-ring." Kesa yawned. "And he's a boy. Oh, I know! Lightning!"
Ariadne stuck out her tongue. "That sounds like something for a cat!"
"Better than some wussy girl's name!"
"There's nothing wrong with snowflake!"
This was a moment Galen had foreseen before, and had resolved to save his new brother from a fate worse than death. Besides, the name he had chosen would suit the baby far more than anything his sisters came up with. Not to mention, names were what shaped a person, and it was clear in the child's eyes where his heart would lie.
"Huh?" Both girls stopped their bickering to turn towards Galen and their parents. Ariadne was the first to speak.
"Why that?"
"What does it mean"
"Does it mean snow?"
"I bet it means super fast or good runner!"
Vedis smiled, looking down at the tiny creature in her arms. "Daibhidh means 'beloved'. And I for one think it's perfect."
"I agree. Yes, Daibhidh." Selvanus gave a hearty laugh, which immediately infected the girls. "Now then, Ariadne, Kesa... Why don't you go and spread the news for us?"
"Sure, poppa!" The girls were already out the door, turning it into another contest to see who could tell more the fastest. Galen said nothing, tuning out his parents' voices as they discussed preparations for the winter celebration. He leaned over his brother, a faint smile touching his lips as the infant reached up to him.
Hello... Winter.