Nighttime. If I didn't have my music playing... naw, call it as it is. If all the lights in the city were out, I could lose myself again.
Damn electric lights anchor me when I want to escape the most.
Do you all still dream? Good? Bad? Does it really matter?
I'm slowly losing the ability to sleep, doing so only when it's physically required, but mentally I don't feel sleepy, which is something of a bother, because then I'm fighting with myself, though the body always wins out.
I wonder what I'll lose next.
Currently I'm out of my creative phase and into logic, so I'm using this to try and learn more of Perl. Interesting language, brought about by one man's laziness, if I read the history right.
Works for me.
I'm not sure which takes more effort: the courage needed to stand up and say what one feels knowing there will be those who will put one down for even having those feelings or just not agreeing like a good little lamb, or the patience of those who wish to find a compromise to the point of suppressing their own feelings and/or needs in their quest.
Alas, Korax has gone away on vacation. Aloha, Korax.
I have a tentative plan/remedy of things, but it was suggested to wait and see how this current thread of reality plays itself out.
Am I calmer from before? Not really, just too tired to maintain the same emotional levels, that's all.