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Jen, I really don't know what the beef is, but your 'tude on the group blog is very shallow, IMO.

You wanted another technomancy, but you fail to understand one thing, you guys are not them.

You are all younger, have vastly different lives, and you're not them, period.

What makes you think it's going to be like theirs, in any case?

What makes you want to be like them?

I'd rather read the nonsensical and perhaps inane ramblings of the group than read a technomancy clone any day.

I don't like clones or copies unless I happened to be exposed to them first, in which case they are then my original experience.

You're sitting on a rather high horse and judging everyone else for being themselves.

Gee, thanks a lot, I'm sure you make them all feel better.

And if you don't like it or don't like where it went, leave. It's your god-given right. Nobody is holding you hostage, but that's certainly no reason to try and make everyone else feel bad just because it didn't work out the way you wanted to.

Not everyone is like me, and not everyone is like you, either.