Thank you Harlen and Raine. It's always tricky over what will read what with javascript. And not the boxes themselves so much as the words, as I don't feel like rebuilding every file when I'm only changing two lines daily.
::sigh:: The clouds are covering the sun, which is a good thing. One of the reasons I like winter months, unless the weather is being flukey. I prefer this time, as it makes me reflect. Not so much on reailty or things to do/be done/have done, but rather just on quieter emotions that don't need the same kind of outlet as the stronger, darker ones, or even the bright, glaring feelings.
Is there an outlet for peaceful ruminations?
I can pretend I'm the only one for miles around, save the birds. Especially ravens, which I fell in love with ever since Poe immortalized them in a fit of utter melancholy.
Hmm, no... I don't feel down, per se. I wish I didn't have to leave, that the clouds would stay right here and let me keep this feeling, a thing so small, so silent, yet for me is wondrous.
But it's not winter, it's summer. So the clouds will eventually leave, as must I.
It's more precious today, now as I come down from the hormone laden rollercoaster of emotions from the previous three days.
To stop the clock, right here... never having to know how far things have fallen once the clouds part and the sun casts an ungenial light upon the city.
Then too, overcast days remind me of hIm. I feel closer to him when it's like this.
But I know the feelings with be shattered sooner or later, the remnants clinking on the floor as they fall.
I don't want to think about it yet. I don't want to have to deal with a reailty I know is only going to frustrate me to some degree or another.
I wonder if this is what it was like before my parents got stupid and screwed and had to drag me here.
This quiet... the semblence of peace.
And I wonder if I'll be lucky enough to go back to it when I've finished my sentence... or whatever other word you wish to call existance in this... place.
This is the aniversary month. Though what exactly I'm celebrating, I'm not sure.
Twenty-six years ago and a little more than two weeks from now two people forgot the concept of a condom.
Damn my luck.