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Amber: Whoa, didn't know you were here. /^^; Don't feel depressed. Let Kit get herself back together, that's all. Heck, I'm tempted to follow her example. The masses are getting worse. It's frightening seeing what's happened to people in the last ten years alone. (Mom says the Boomers have all sold out, too. She would know. Pisses her off). How's ye ol' life de amour? ^-^

Someone remind me to make facies and u/l them to my journal.

The day is gone, it's evening now... and I have know clue where the heck it went. I did nothing. I didn't plan it that way, surely, but that's what happened to it. I hate days like that.

Oh yeah... shower time. (I prefer evening showers to morning ones)

For some reason, that abandon house is still in my mind. I wonder why. It's almost like a waking dream. Is there some significance? Or is my mind just cracking again?

So say farewell to lucidity
And goodbye to logic and its grace
For on evening wings the insanity comes
To take you away from this place