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"Tossing my cookies to the universe"

In case anyone wondered, a cold germ came out of left field and molested me. I'm just now getting back to normal.

I don't think I missed to much, though feel free to catch me up on anything you think I should know.

Right now I'm sitting here debating on writing another letter to my therapist, but I think in the end I'll just make it a regular entry. I can't tell her everything, or there'd be nothing left to figure out, and she'd be out of a job.

I can't... I simply cannot believe the sheer insensitivity of one who is so damn sensitive! How is it my mother unit can take even the smallest word the worng way, yet she can be so fucking callous in her approach to me, her gods-be-damn crutch. But yet, I can't tell her anything, because on top of being an unintentional hypocrite, she's also a damn extremist. I tell her to back off an inch, and she'll withdraw completely.

There is no middle ground, and it's driving me nuts. She often complains about her BiP, well fucking hello, I GOT THE SAME PROBLEM. It has yet to sink in that in using me for her emotional support, she's in fact triggering and agravating my own problems. And can I turn to her? Hell no.

That's the other reason I disappeared. Sometimes I just have to drop everything and lock myself in for fear of what I may find myself capable of doing. And contrary to my violent tendencies, I don't want to go to jail and play house with some big, burly chick named Bubbette.

...and Winamp is being cruel. It pulled up DuranDuran's "Come Undone." ::beats Winamp within an inch of digital life::

The biggest lie I ever told myself was when I said I'm okay.

But I'm okay, really.

I don't feel so bad about posting in this thing whenever I'm able to, though. If I force myself to post when I really have nothing to say, it becomes a chore.

I just wish I had more things to say that didn't involve the teetering of my nonexistant sanity.

I'm okay, really...

 Comments: 1 sigh

Welcome back. I don't think you missed anything other than that my bike was stolen. And that games are not considered speech (they do not express any idea or story whatsoever) and are therefore not eligible for protection under the First Amendment. But other than that, everything's exactly the same as when you left.


Kit - 4/29/02
( 2:54 p.m. )