FFX-yaoi Mailing List


I plan to build this page up a bit more, so hopefully new members won't be as confused as the rest of us when we were starting out. In any event, you can use this page to sign up, review over conduct rules for the ML, or see what is and isn't considered on topic. Any questions, just email me at toraku@yaoiville.com.

Subscribe to the FFX yml

A smaller, more fic-centric ml. OT rules and such are going to be a bit enforced here as far as discussions go. (After all, there's a Message Board for all that type of stuff.)

Subscribe to the FFX-yaoi ML

I started it, but thanks to people bitching at me (when I'm not there to defend myself), I let my friend Ki have it. She's a much tougher admin than I, and I think that's needed.

FFX yml List
Rules/Conduct for FFX yml
Discussions/Topics guidelines for FFX yml

Message Boards
This was supposed to be where the OT posts went for FFX-yaoi. But nooo... Not that it matters. There is a board for FFX yml there, so again, good for more OT discussions.